Mexico Finalizes Constitutional Energy Reform: Will It Help or Hurt Investment in the Sector?
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Case Studies

Featured Case Studies
Financial Services
California-Based Multinational Biopharmaceutical Company
A large multinational biopharmaceutical company was unable to enter the Mexican market due to a regulation requiring a local manufacturing presence in order to sell pharmaceuticals. Further, Mexico lacked sufficient regulation for domestic production of biologic products and did not permit the import of these products.
We helped our client solve both hurdles by working with Mexican authorities, including the Ministry of Economy and COFEPRIS (FDA equivalent), to develop appropriate regulatory modifications. In tandem with providing advocacy services, we helped the company build its own in-house government relations capabilities.
Our client was able to register a number of its biologic products to successfully enter the Mexican market, and it remains an important participant in the Mexican healthcare market through provision of medications that improve the quality of life for Mexican patients and their families.
Leading U.S. Solar Industry Manufacturer and Operator
A leading, publicly-traded solar energy company sought new business opportunities as a result of Mexico’s historic Energy Reforms, but it needed assistance to understand and navigate the transitional period between the old electricity regime and the newly competitive market.
We counseled the company on bidding in Mexico’s first electricity power auction in 2016, from which it was awarded power purchase agreements to provide approximately 500 MW capacity from two solar facilities. Since then, we have guided the company through the many federal, state and local regulatory and permitting hurdles that need to be cleared in order to build the two plants.
Our work includes policy analysis and advocacy regarding the new regulatory regime, including pushing for important policy modifications. We have connected the company with federal and state government officials with oversight over its projects, including with top officials at all four federal agencies with a stake in Mexico’s electricity market. We have also helped the company build and lead a robust team of specialists to streamline the process of obtaining its interconnection, generation, environmental and social impact permits.
In addition, we are working with our client to identify potential off-takers of electricity supply outside of amounts committed for sale to the state-owned electric company through the auction process. Finally, we are supporting our client’s manufacturing operations in Mexico by acting as a liaison with economic authorities in its effort to build a robust and reliable in-country supply chain.
Our client is progressing toward the start-up of the first of its two solar power plants in 2018. The company has received near universal support from federal and state government agencies, but the process to obtain the support of local indigenous peoples has taken longer than expected. Nevertheless, the negotiations are going well with much appreciation for the company’s proactive community outreach, and our client’s efforts have been highlighted by government officials as an example of how projects with a significant social impact component should be undertaken.
Global Insurance Firm
A major international insurance company sought guidance in its bid to enter the Mexican insurance market through the privatization of the state-run insurance company. After winning at auction, the company sought additional government relations support to establish its corporate persona in Mexico.
We helped our client to better understand the decision-making process of other bidders, position itself as a serious contender, and obtain the necessary information to craft a competitive bid proposal. We then helped convert the state-run entity into a private company under a transnational umbrella. We currently provide ongoing government relations support, including political intelligence, policy and business analysis, and we serve as a liaison between their Washington, D.C., and Mexico offices as needed.
Our client completed the purchase and remains a key player in the Mexican insurance market today. Mexico is one of the company’s most important markets outside the United States. In addition, the company is able to execute a seamless bilateral engagement and advocacy strategy to effectively resolve challenges that arise at the federal and state levels.
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